The 5 Key Exercises your body needs.

PLUS how to turn them into a daily workout

The 5 key moves & their progressions, I write into every program for my coaching clients 

  •    The EXACT exercises I use to consistently & predictably get results 
  •    My clients are stronger and fitter than ever before. They love their training and how it makes them feel. 
  •   If you only have time for these 5 movements, they will solve your worries about having a healthy body
  •   I explain what makes these 5 so important, the key muscles you need to work and those to avoid. I also talk about cardio, injury prevention and how to take this next level.

MY 99 lbs/45kg weight loss story

Until now I hadn't talked about my weight loss story. Even my own clients, had no idea. The photo on the left is in 2008, I hired a dress maker to make the dress for my sister in law's wedding, because I couldn't bare to go dress shopping and knew nothing in the stores would fit me.

By 2014 I found the formula for fat loss. After years of cardio and weight training, I found the balance between the two and matched it with drilling down on nutrition. 

I lost 45 kgs while working, with two young children and a husband to look after. 

A certified personal trainer since 2009, I've been using this magic formula with my clients and the results are on the wall. 

To find out how, my video will appear after you hit Download Now! 

This Free E-book will be instantly sent to the email address you submit above.

Christine Meister T/AS Fitnotskinny Worldwide - Copyright © 2019 . All Rights Reserved

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